In my post a day or two ago, I ended with talking about designing and executing the billboard. Today, we projected it on to the scrim and traced the design on with a Sharpie. I then stretched it out on the floor of the art studio on top of some brown paper and Sharon and I went to work painstakingly filling in the color.
Periodically, we had to lift it as the paint dried to keep it from sticking to the paper below.
We made an executive decision to stop on the field of blue at the bottom once we got all of the letters and logos outlined so that it could dry overnight.
We suspended it off the floor by binder clipping the four corners to the back of stools and let it air dry. This will minimize the openings in the scrim that are closed with paint and make it the most transparent.
Tomorrow morning, I will lay it back out on the paper and roll on the rest of the blue to the bottom and let it dry. It looks like it will be done to hang this weekend after all...R
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